Let's take a minute shall we?
Remember me a year ago?
I suppose everyone needs to start somewhere right? Humbling to look back on, I actually thought I knew what I was doing? WHAT THE HELL LA? No wonder people didn't take me seriously.
Now, Above is 4 random shoots taken in more recent times? I hope you can all see SOME difference? Totally 1000% room for improvement, But better?
Some people can't really take bad critic well, I used to be one of these people, I was quite angry with the world and really just wanted someone to believe in me. Went about it in the COMPLETE wrong way, but I soon learned. It's not an easy lesson actually, being able to accept criticism, but thank god I learned it, it's pretty essential in a Skin Deep industry like this. Now? I'm probably too hard on myself, as I always want to be better, skinnier and definitely taller. My height should hold me back in this game, but I just see it as a set back rather than something that prevent IT from happening. I am lucky to have long legs in photographs I look tall! Being 5.7' is unfortunately something I HAD to accept as guys there aint no surgery to make me 5.10'! in the normal world I'm tall but not in a business with beautiful giants.
So I gave up dreaming of walking the catwalks quite a while ago and as it was almost forgotten, Out of NO WHERE....I have been in fact been asked to Walk in LFW. London Fashion Week September 2011. Yes, LONDON FUCKING FASHION WEEK
All will be revealed in good time but looks like shorty shall be gracing the Catwalk for sure. Maybe even more than one show but as I said. ALL WILL BE REVEALED.
So guys, my point is, no matter what the set back is, whether you feel pressure from other people or yourself. Don't let the rules and regulations of the world necessarily hold you back. Use negative energy from others and turn it into POSITIVITY, feed your drive and achieve your ambitions
To everyone that's not in that category of being a hater, to the people that email me and send me messages, YOU are the energy I feed off of, You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I'm a big softy really so any questions queries or theories you guys have for me HOLLA!
I got an email from a LOVELY man today saying "I know this is probably a long shot but would you mind if i sent you some samples of pieces that I have made and if there was anything that they would fit in with on a shoot you use" EH HELLOOOOO? how did this happen? I LOOVVEE IT!
My Dreams Are Coming True
& So Can Yours
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