Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Upgrade Me

Who ever thinks Travelling is glamorous needs to come alongside me on one of my tedious journeys . Jesus Christ its brutal. IMAGINE. Tuesday morning, London. Little me, Million bags that weigh 5x what I do (thank god I have guns eh) My train leaves Euston at 9.30am sharp. DISASTER, tube is manic. And when I say manic I mean I felt a cow being bussed from Possil to Sweden. cramped isn't even the word that comes to mind, and of course I have to stand next to (still with a million bags) the guy, not only with thee most horrendous breathe, but insists on Huffing and Puffing IN MY FACE STRAIGHT UP MY OVER SENSITIVE SMELLING NOSE... Horrendous. But through the blood sweat and tears. I made my train, god I really no how to drag out a simple story.

The Journey, Bloody Brutal, I slept in 45 minute intervals, each time waking up to a new person sitting across from me. Half way into the journey I start to feel sick. This is not the most ideal place to start feeling nauseous! I found out I didn't travel well when I was about 8, when my Mum and Dad decided we would DRIVE from Glasgow, To Paris, All over France and then onto Spain and Italy. I think I was sick about 64 times over 4 weeks. Since then, as long as reading writing texting or general reading of road signs or maps doesn't take place I travel well, well, Apart from today, of course. I start being sick. IDEAL. 

After the journey, I get my shit together in every sense of the word, stumble off that train into my little sisters arms where she comforted me in my struggle from train to car. In the process, I met my lovely friend and talented photographer Levi, very little chat as I was still green from being sick but as I had posted a picture of (as worded by Levi herself as CAKE PORN) my delicious red velvet cupcake the night before and promised to keep her 1 of 3. I had the other two in case you were wondering. Donated the cake which I later found out   she enjoyed very much! Then met Ashley Copeland formally known as Ashtray Cokeland as she was passing me over 2 tickets to Katy Perry @ The SECC. Got the tickets, and finally got home. 

I thought Christie would have been more excited about the concert but as I came out the shower I looked into her room and she was asleep, I woke her up and later found out that the reason she was in fact asleep was that she had thought it would be a good idea to 'down' 4 cans of relentless the night before and was up all night watching 4 white walls unable to sleep, I think thats why they are used for energy sista, GIRL OF MY OWN HEART. We continued on to Katy Perry and gorged in Chips & Cheese followed by Candyfloss. Katy Perry was actually amazing and looked it to.

So, Thats me, All Blogged out for Today
Happy Tuesday
Peace Out

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