Wednesday, 31 August 2011


So today, I was a bag of nerves. As you all know I have been a freelance model for a year now and worked my little ass off, I felt it was time for a new challenge and ultimately time to let someone else have the responsibility of talking cash money!! So being the only AMA (Association of Model Agencies) registered agency in Scotland there was no other agency I would have chosen but MODEL TEAM! I met Cathy who runs the agency at 4pm in the afternoon, it was a quick meeting and as you would expect I was over the moon to be accepted with open arms!

After that I received a congratulations email from Mr David Stanton, with the added question of if I was available to pop down to Contrast studios for a quick headshot shoot! I replied YES! 

Us @ Contrast!
Make Up Artist  Jacquie Bruin
Hair Danielle @ Glamlocks Glasgow
Models Lauren Andrew Hannah Robertson and Amy Richardson
Assisting Monica (Chica Loca) and Dawn Martin

Sneak Peak!

David Stanton you are one Talented Man, Thank You For the Invite!

The Only Way Is Up
I am Living Proof That if You perceiver You WILL ACHIEVE
Stick With Your Dream


Peace & Lot's of Love
All Of Your Constant Support Has Got Me To Where I am Today


Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Dior Get's Priority

Robin Frowley Jak Morgan & Me

I had so much fun at My shoot today! It was my first time working with Robin, what a lovely guy! He blasted The Doors and Fleetwood Mac's Best Album Rumours, we actually came to the agreement it may be the best album EVER made, bold statement but it's 1000% one of my favourites. I felt supper comfortable dancing around like a lunatic in my own little world. At one point I leapt across the room like a ballerina! Remember I told you I like to leave an impression! CRAP! Robin says I shouldn't have to wait to long for the photos! THANK THE LORD, as I feel like I have like 10 outstanding shoots I can't show you guys, either because they are being published in a magazine, not ready yet or the best yet, The shoot I did nearly three weeks ago with 2 photographers in Edinburgh, the swiss men? I don't know if you remember but scroll down if not, I received an email from Mr Charles-Elie Lathion one of the photographers, originally from Switzerland but working in Berlin which he in fact HATES which I totally don't get BERLIN YOU ARE ON MY TO DO LIST, he said hello lauren sorry I've not had a chance to edit our photos yet as I've been working on the DIOR S/S 2012 campaign! MR CHRISTIAN DIOR gets priority over MOI? Yes, this is one person I will happily allow to step in front of me in the Que., Carry on Christian! Charles, accidentally intentionally mix up our photos and send them to Dior.

Hopefully Have Some New Pictures To Show You Guys Soon

Peace & Love

Curtesy of The Talented Ms Morgan, I have VIOLENT LIPS! Lips transfers all the way from the U.S or Harvey Nichols if your supper impatient like Jak! I tweeted this picture and Violent lips tweeted me asking to tag them in the photo! LOVES A TWEET! @laureneandrew


Lunch Time Bloggin'

On my lunch @Inaa, I am situated in my now regular spot Starbucks on Buchanan street for a cafine re fuel! I finish work around 5, I will then be travelling through to Edinburgh for a shoot with Robin Frowley, I was meant to be shooting with him yesterday but as I've already said I was supper ill, Feeling better today THANK THE LORD, Kaeleigh Wallace was meant to be doing the make up yesterday, but as she has a night class and can't make the reschedualed time of tonight I've called in my favourite Jak Morgan to cover for her! We did the Johari shoot on friday together, working together tonight and we have a shoot booked on friday too! 3 times in 1 week with this woman is a rarity! LOVE YOU JAK!

The Music Getting me Through Today Have Fast Become My Two New Favourites!

Both equally amazing and commercial! My once good music taste has turned seriously mainstream. But I love it!

Hope your All Smashing It

Peace & Love

Final Shots

For a quick 2 hour Sunday Session with photographer Olivia Halvorsen and Make Up Artist ETC Kaeleigh Wallace I think we did a pretty good job, These pictures will definitely add some colour to my portfolio for sure! Let's hope one day we will all get to recreate this look in a much more tropical location. 

Well Done Olivia, Great Job. As for the make up kaeleigh you have out done yourself again


Monday, 29 August 2011


Bringing a Little Colour Into My Life
Make Up Kaeleigh Wallace
Photographer Olivia Halvorsen
Styling & Model Lauren Andrew

Sick Note

Today, I feel horrendous. So much so that I've had to reschedule the shoot I had planned for this evening until tomorrow.

For the foreseeable future I will be situated on my Couch, Snuggled up in fur blankets, feeling completely sorry for myself, drowning those sorrow's in the only thing a girl can truly depend on. Sex In The City.

Sore Tummy Lady.
Pretty Unideal

Peace Love & All Sympathy Encouraged & Welcomed.

Boo Fucking Hoo



Me, Not Feeling Sick

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Frozen Ladies

Ladies night was awesome! I had so much fun with such a lovely group of girls! We danced the night away and I was in fact in bed by about 2am! Very early for me!

Today I had a shoot with the lovely Olivia & Kaeleigh, Kaeleigh one of my dearest's and Olivia a new addition to the family but equally amazerous.

We had so much fun! Best shoot ever as I had to literary ROLL out of bed into there trusty hands as we met at the flat! BOOM!! We sang beyonce, jumped about on the bed and nearly froze to death! All in the name of photography eh?


Peace & Love For The Girls


Saturday, 27 August 2011

Saturday Night Fever

Today is my only day off for what is going to feel like weeks, so I have lay around in bed and have about 3 baths. This is what I call an ideal day of loveliness. I was even treated to a manicure later in the afternoon! Tonight its Girls Night! Starting off with dinner at Citation then onto November, Karbon then a new club called Sugarcube. I am still trying not to drink, will my will power cave? 

Peace Love & Manicure


Thursday, 25 August 2011

Dirty Little Secret

Major Work Day, I am Dead on My Feet, Going To Have Lie down before the cinema tonight! Date Night, Yes Romance is ALIVE once again in my life ladies. I'll be Up the back tonight for the first time in a while! Can't say to much, but I am a very happy La, TOP SECRET.

Seem to have left house music on the back burner this week, RNB has had the full run of it. The slower the cheeseir the lyrics, It's No Doubt a Winner in my Eyes.

Shall This Soppy La Stay For Long?

Peace Love & Shaking It Off

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Cheap Imitations.

As anyone that knows me knows how hard I work, not just at my bread and butter job at INAA but with Modelling especially, it's something I really put my heart and sole into. I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing people over the past year and have learned a hell of a lot. I have created my own little brand and it took a really long time to be recognised. I don't know what its like else where but I certainly know what my own city Glasgow is like. Its actually quite a sad thing as it seems no one supports peoples passion's WHERE IS THE LOVE PEOPLE? Take my facebook page and this blog for instants? I now have over a thousand people like it after just 3 months of starting it, You know how many of MY friends like it? not even a third of them! These people know exactly who they are! People will read my blog and look at my work but have nothing but bad things to say? The one I always get is, "You've done so much" YEAH! I WORK FREAKING HARD! Do you think I just do it for fun? No I do it because I love it and IT MAKES ME MONEY!

Anyone who works hard, over and above whats expected will know how truly hurtful it is when when anything comes between you and the end goal, the only thing that's keeping you going through the blood sweat and tears. I have thought and thought about making this public for a while now and for six months I have risen above it however lets just say I've been pushed over the edge. At first I was flattered, but now its rediculous and feel this is one way to put a stop to it or at least make people aware of what's going on. On a shoot I don't just turn up and pout like you all may think. Alot of hard work and planning has gone into all of my work & it kills me to think that people who copy it will and are getting recognised for what I have come up with.

Seen this exact same photo anywhere else?

Above - Me
Below - Not

I was brought up with manners, & for me this is not only embarrassing but hugely disrespectful. Every person I have worked with from the word go has had emails from this girl, asking to work with them. Clients that I have built up and worked hard to get,  this is not just on a personal level now, this is my work, what I do.

I've tried to ignore this girl and the copycat work however I get bombarded with emails on a daily basis from friends and people I've never even met before asking what the hell is going on, and what I'm going to do about it? I am sick and tired of working so hard and seeing the same thing being copied 2 weeks later and frankly its completely heart breaking. Do you know what? If this girl had come to me and asked for help or advice I would of been gladly willing to help as I already do with others but to be so blatant and underhand?

 Being a stripper last summer has clearly given this girl no morals, She has already been asked to leave a modelling agency for this exact reason, I just don't understand why she would risk it all again for something she apparently loves.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It 1000% IS NOT



My statement eyebrows were un seen for a good while as everyone has caught on to the trend. 
& Maybe To Stay?

Posing Lil' Bitch with my New Photobooth App for My Iphone.

Peace Love & Eyebrows

Bon Voyage Bitches'

Tonight I will be saying a sad goodbye to TWO of my sistaaa's! Ms Julia Bell is buggering off to Paris!  Yes, Paris. & Ms Robyn Wallace is away back down to London, and although I will see her when i'm down I shall be super sad we won't be based in the same city.

Robyn is one of my oldest friends and Julia is one of my favourites. Ladies, I shall be visiting (no rolling of the eyes when you read this) Like it or not! 

Can't wait to PARTYY! & Let My Hair Down with the Girls and although I shall not be drinking, due to my 7am work calling and LFW detox I will be making MASSIVE lasting impressions on the dancefloor. 

Glasgow You Better Be Ready For This

Love You Both

Julia Modelling for Drop Dead. 

Robyn being her Beautiful Self

Yes, My Friends Are Gorgeous



After working with the girls on numerous occasions I have to say it's gone past the stage of lust. Anyone that knows the girls knows how truly hardworking and amazing they really are. 

In September of this year, a matter of weeks away they will be showcasing the S/S 2012 Collection! I'm sure like you all I cannot bloody wait to see what wonderful out of the ordinary amazing creations they come up with

For anyone in London who will be around in Fashion week this is for sure one to get down and see. They are truly going to be THE next BIG THING so get down a support a brand we all should be proud of. 

Whatever IT Is These Girls For Sure Have It Running Through There Blood & Bones.
Killing It For Us ALL

Wearing Obscure Couture AW 11/12 RTW


Photographer Olivia Halvorsen
Make Up Debbie Slater
Models Lauren Andrew & Emily FM

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Agony La

I have the best day i've had in AGES! POSITIVITY PEOPLE! It works i'm telling you! 

Been getting some really LOVELY emails recently about my blog, glad you guys are enjoying reading about my nonsense! It's nice having people to vent on even if there is no response its therapeutic! 

Also had a REQUEST! Yes a request, a girl emailed me saying that she always feels inspired after reading this, and is and never miss's a post. She has just recently split up with her long term boyfriend and wants me to write about relationships, The people who know me will most likely be ON THE FLOOR laughing as my experiences in the Romance department have been lets say EVENTFUL but nonetheless here we go!

So girls, we are MENTAL sometimes right? Or maybe I am trying to justify how MENTAL I can be by stereotyping the female sex. All jokes aside, we are emotional at the best of times never mind the worst! I don't know about you but I'm an all or nothing gal, I give it all or absolutely nothing at all. Having only been in one long term relationship from a young age my hormones and emotions were always all over the place & whenever we had a fight or split up like we had the tendency to do quite often aha It would seem like the absolute end of the world. & as much as I tried to not let it bother me It consumed my thoughts! I would cry for hours! I have only recently got a handle on things in that respect and girls i'm telling you it is not the end of the world. Do you think men sit and ball there eyes out over us? Do you think men even give us a second thought when they get ready? Or look out for us when they are in a club? The answer is most likely not. On a night out the boys are all about the boys, but girls seem to more concerned about the opposite sex than having fun with the females, and let's be honest we are really much more fun. Being positive minded doesn't just apply to work related things, it's definitely something that covers all aspects of life, so when you're fighting about whatever junk you are and it seems like THEE MOST IMPORTANT thing in the world, take a step back and think, Is this really important? The answer is most likely not, couples seem to spend relationships fighting and just accepting the arguments as 'part of it' Well im telling you it's by far part of it, don't accept anything less than the best ladies! This doesn't mean expect the impossible! But chill out and just enjoy the possibility that that moment in time ROMANCE AINT DEAD. & To all the single ladies, newly single or a long term singleton's ENJOY not having the sometimes burden of having a man, no one to moan at you, get you to cook dinner or clean up their mess, no one to stress you out!! Take full advantage and grab your single pals. Get your glam on (book on, excuse the plug!) And DANCE the night away! I am not a disco kisser but if thats you're thing then don't hold back. Let your hair down and truly whip it about. Laugh a lot and GET ON WITH IT, Newly single, get yourself out of your bed, STOP CRYING AND MAN UP!! Aha Harsh but it's what you need to hear!

I think that it all. I'm cringing that much that I can't bare to read it back, But basically what i'm trying to say if the message aint that clear to you is, go out, enjoy and have fun, single married or not bothered. It's all about the power of the female girls SO GO DOMINATE THE DANCE FLOOR & forget about the men!

Peace Love & I'm Definitely Not An Expert.

Monday, 22 August 2011


Today I was smashing work at inaa all day then jumped over to the west end to do a shoot! It was with the lovely Olivia Halvorsen, Never worked with her before but what a pleasure! Olivia you are a doll! I cannot wait to see the images! What a team we had #storyofmylife I feel I say that about all my shoots, but i'm serious! Everyone I work with these days are BLOODY AH-MAZING. Debbie Slater was painting my face! Friends but never actually got round to working together! MAC consumes her make up life so was really nice to catch up whilst we worked! I loved what she managed to do with one's face! & with my THINATHON in progress, my skin has decided to BREAK OUT with my change of diet. IDEAL? Not so much! 1 spot is one spot too many in the world of modelling but thankfully Debbie sympathised as she's also going through a healthy eating spree and APPARENTLY it gets better! So fingers crossed for flawless skin ASAP 

There was two other models on location, One Ms Emily FM, also a friend and also never worked with her, again much fun was had and we managed to get each other through the pain of the needle stings! (Yes, we were shooting in a garden FULL of nettles) The other gorgeous model was Lisa Cunningham, self confessed 'gypsy' covered in beautiful tattoo's! Olivia reckons we compliment each other as her skin is white and mine still tanned from my break away in Greece! Guess we will see when the images are published! BRING IT

Ladies it Was a Pleasure!
Peace Love & Nettles

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Part 2

What a NIGHTMARE I had trying to get to Obscure Couture HQ this afternoon, FOOTBALL TRAFFIC! So I was 15 mins Late and Missed 5 Girls. RAGE!

Meet The Girls, Part 2

& The Boys

& Then This Minger Showed Up?

Not a Chance!

Was such a successful day! Lyndsay & Jenn have some tough decisions to make! Good Luck To All The Girls! You were all FABULOUS. 


Last night I started preparing for my detox to start! Try get my head clear! At a total crossroads with everything right now. Tres Annoying & I have completely NO idea what the hell to do. 

Going to Bed a Very Confused Little Lady